Modellers World T001 Acrylic Doctor Thinner

T001 Acrylic Doctor Thinner - Image 1
Hersteller: Modellers World
Produktcode: MDW-T001
Aktuell verfügbar: zurzeit nich verfügbar
Zuletzt verfügbar: 6.1.2023
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€8.69 oder 5800 Pkte.

Enthält 20% MwSt.
beim Versand ins Land: Österreich
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Gewicht:0.22 kg
Zum Katalog hinzugefügt:17.7.2019
HerstellerModellers World
Verantwortliche Stelle

High quality universal thinner for acrylic modeling paints. Designed to work with the products of most popular brands, also with difficult acrylic-vinyl paints. 3 formula in 1 thinns, improves the flow of paint in the airbrush and prevents it from drying on the spire. Acrylic Doctor is also great for brush. The eyedropper in the cap makes it possible to dose portions conveniently and accurately. The product contains low-aromatic alcohols. Almost odorless, it is friendly for painting at home. Safe for airbrush coating and gaskets. It is recommended to dilute paint in the 30 range to 70 percent, depending on your needs and preferences.

Keep away from children. Do not swallow. In case of contact with eyes, rinse under running water. The product is non-toxic, devoid of aggressive odor.

* Ammo, AK, Tamiya, Vallejo, Hataka, Mr. Hobby, Testors / Model Master, Pactra, Lifecolor, Italeri are or may be registered trademarks of the manufacturers, are given as examples.

Made in Poland.

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Zum Katalog hinzugefügt: 17.7.2019
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