AMMO of Mig Jimenez

AMMO of Mig Jimenez 6263 ITALIENFELDZUG. German Tanks and Vehicles 1943-1945 Vol. 2

ITALIENFELDZUG. German Tanks and Vehicles 1943-1945 Vol. 2 - Image 1
Produktcode: AMM-6263
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€40.71 oder 23100 Pkte.

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Gewicht:1.31 kg
Zum Katalog hinzugefügt:28.12.2020
Tags:Panther Marder-II PaK-40 Marder-III
HerstellerAMMO of Mig Jimenez
Verantwortliche Stelle

Daniele Guglielmi and Mario Pieri, authors of the book Panzer DNA published by AMMO by Mig Jiménez, present the second volume of the Italienfeldzug series: an exhaustive study of the ground operations and the most important vehicles fielded by the German army (Heer) in the Italian campaign, between 1943 and 1945, from the Allied invasion of Sicily to the capitulation of the Third Reich. The authors describe the German Army vehicles in detail, making extensive use of significant and in some cases unpublished photographs from a wide range of sources, including photos from official German and Allied archives to include armoured and transport vehicles, weapons and other equipment used by the Germans in this theatre of war.

This book series offers a new perspective to both military modellers and historians interested in WWII German Armed Forces and the campaigns in Italy. It is particularly valuable for researchers interested in armoured vehicle operations of the Second World War.

This second volume of the Italienfeldzug collection provides in depth analyses of the Panther tank, the Marder II and III self-propelled anti-tank guns, the Grille self-propelled howitzer, various models of field artillery, heavy artillery, and towed anti-tank guns. This 250-page reference contains 16 colour profiles, more than 600 large photographs and captions with detailed information, maps, as well as vehicle markings and reproductions of original documents.

Subject:    History, strategy, vehicles and weapons of the German land forces (Heer) in Italy between 1943 and 1945
Language:    English
No. of pages & Description:    Hard cover, 248 pages with 600 high-quality full colour photographs and 18 profile colors
ISBN:    978-84-17846-38-1

WARNING. This book is only in ENGLISH language.

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